
Business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes
Business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes

business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes

So important does the family appear to be in terms of the development of youth crime that programs have been designed to help parents cope with their offspring. As Patterson and his colleagues (Patterson, 1976, 1995 Patterson et al., 1984) indicate through their research, parents who nag or use idle threats are likely to generate coercive systems in which children gain control through misbehaving. How parents interact with their children and, in particular, their disciplinary styles, can increase or decrease the likelihood of later antisocial and delinquent behavior by their offspring. PREVENTION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY THROUGH FAMILY INTERVENTIONS Programs delivered to delinquent youth or that invoke juvenile justice sanctions are covered in Chapter 5. Few programs for families and young children have follow-ups that are long enough to test for delinquent behavior.

business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes

1 In selecting evaluations to include, the panel chose to look at programs that measured effects on risk factors for delinquency as well as on delinquent behavior itself. The panel confined its discussions to prevention programs that have been subjected to experimental or quasi-experimental evaluation research. The literature analyzed for this report was culled largely from a number of published reviews (Barnett, 1995 Brewer et al., 1995 Catalano et al., 1998 Gottfredson, 1997 Gottfredson et al., 1998 Hawkins et al., 1995b Hope, 1995 Karoly et al., 1998 Lipsey and Wilson, 1998 Sherman, 1997a, 1997b Tolan and Guerra, 1998 Tremblay and Craig, 1995 Wasserman and Miller, 1998 Yoshikawa, 1995). A comprehensive review of the entire body of prevention program research was beyond the resource capacity of the panel. This discussion is not intended as a catalog of all programs available around the country.

business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes

The following sections discuss programs aimed at families, programs aimed at children and adolescents in schools, and community-based programs. Efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency have a long history, but generally they have not been subjected to scientific evaluation of their effects.

Business intelligence strategy to control juvenile crimes